Drug Lab Detroit

Multidisciplinary team focused on understanding substance use disorders

Research in the Drug Lab focuses on mechanism-based determinants and modification of addictive behaviors. Our lab uses rigorous human experimental approaches, medications and pharmacological probes, multi-modal magnetic resonance imaging, neuromodulation, and behavioral, subjective and physiological endpoints to investigate hypothesized relationships.

There are several ongoing projects in the lab. Students at various levels of training (e.g. postdoctoral, graduate, medical, undergraduate) are routinely involved in our research and obtain mentored scientific experiences. Beyond these studies, we are actively engaged in several other collaborative projects with other labs at Wayne State University and across the country.


Bauer AR, Greenwald MK (under review) Deep behavioral phenotyping in opioid use disorder therapy: alignment with the Addictions Neuroclinical Assessment framework. College on Problems of Drug Dependence meeting. New Orleans, LA.

France JM, Eichstaedt JM, Khatib D, Stanley JA, Woodcock EA (under review) Investigating dACC glutamate modulation during inhibitory motor control: a 1H fMRS study with a novel interleaved control condition. Annual meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine; Honolulu, HI.

Greenwald MK, Bauer AR, Lundahl LH (under review) Associations of recent fentanyl exposure with simulated opioid demand and naturalistic substance use among persons in treatment for opioid use disorder. College on Problems of Drug Dependence meeting. New Orleans, LA.

Jhand A, Greenwald MK (under review) Experimental drug vs. money choice preference patterns in regular heroin users maintained on buprenorphine. College on Problems of Drug Dependence meeting. New Orleans, LA.

Ledgerwood DM, Renock A, Stott MC, Johnson D (under review) Implementation of contingency management in rural recovery housing: pilot study. College on Problems of Drug Dependence, New Orleans, LA.

Mascarin AT, Burstein WB, Grasser L, Greenwald MK (under review) Latent class analysis detects unique daily cocaine-use patterns and associated clinical characteristics. College on Problems of Drug Dependence meeting. New Orleans, LA.

Mistler CB, Bold KW, Harsono D, Weiss J, Dziura J, Deng Y, Yager J, Sigel K, Ledgerwood DM, Bernstein SL, Edelman EJ (under review) Prevalence and correlates of and reasons for cannabis use among individuals with HIV enrolled in a tobacco treatment trial. College on Problems of Drug Dependence, New Orleans, LA.

Moses TEH, Waineo E, Greenwald MK (under review) Medical student training, and personal experiences and opinions about, recreational and medical cannabis use. College on Problems of Drug Dependence meeting. New Orleans, LA.

Roehrs TA, Sibai M, Ghosh S, Greenwald MK (under review) Evaluation of suvorexant for improving sleep in persons treated for opioid use disorder: a placebo-controlled, randomized clinical trial. College on Problems of Drug Dependence meeting. New Orleans, LA.

Sibai M, Roehrs TA, Ghosh S, Greenwald MK (under review) Comparison of methods to assess sleep in OUD patients. College on Problems of Drug Dependence meeting. New Orleans, LA.


Bauer AR, Moses TEH, Waineo E, Greenwald MK (under review) Incoming medical students’ knowledge and understanding of Good Samaritan Laws. AAMC Central Collaborative Spring Conference.

Bauer AR, Greenwald MK (under review) Applying the Addictions Neuroclinical Assessment framework to Opioid Use Disorder (OUD). Wayne State University Graduate Research symposium.

Bavishi P, Harsono D, Ledgerwood DM, Bold K, Sigel K, Weiss J, Yager JE, Bernstein SL, Edelman EJ (accepted) Implementing contingency management for tobacco cessation in HIV clinics: A qualitative study. Poster presentation accepted for the 16th Annual National Institutes of Health and Academy Health Conference on the Science of Dissemination & Implementation In Health, Arlington, VA.

Das S, Woodcock EA (2024) Investigation of stress mindset effects on pharmacologic stress induction in smokers. 10thannual Biomedical Career Advancement Pipeline program meeting; Detroit, MI.

Eichstaedt JM, France JM, Khatib D, Stanley JA, Woodcock EA (2024) Evidence of differential glutamate modulation during inhibitory motor control in the dACC among healthy adults utilizing 1H fMRS with a novel interleaved control condition. ISMRM Workshop on MR Spectroscopy: Frontiers in Molecular & Metabolic Imaging; Boston, MA.

Ely S, Zundel CG, Jaster A, Gowatch L, Carpenter C, Shampine M, O’Mara EC, Cullen K, Daugherty A, Hillard C, Shakir T, Lundahl L, Marusak H (2024 Aug) Plasma endocannabinoid concentrations in adolescents with lifetime suicide attempt: a preliminary case-control study. European Behavioral Pharmacology Society. Banff, Canada.

Flom JD, Camenga D, Shabanova V, McCollum S, Sandoval J, Forray A, Ledgerwood DM, Edelman EJ, Sharifi M (under review) Promoting smoking cessation in the primary care of infants: addressable barriers. Pediatric Academic Societies conference.

Greenwald MK, Kalaj A, Burmeister M, Roehrs TA (2024 Feb) Predictors of heroin-use circadian pattern: demographics, non-opioid substance use, and CLOCK genetic variation. 5th annual HEAL Initiative Scientific Meeting, Bethesda, MD.

Harrison TR, Moses TEH, Waineo E, Greenwald MK (2024) Medical students’ comfort toward physicians with substance use disorders compared to those with major depression and diabetes. WSU Medical Education Research and Innovation (MERI) conference.

Heule M, Kouri N, Lundahl LH, Greenwald MK (2024 June) PTSD diagnosis increases the mediating effect of distress tolerance on pain interference and opioid misuse. College on Problems of Drug Dependence annual meeting, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

Huailei J, Roy P, Guo Y, Muzik O, Woodcock EA (2024 June) Automated radiosynthesis of [11C]CPPC for imaging neuroimmune state in humans. Society of Nuclear Medicine & Molecular Imaging, Toronto, Quebec, Canada.

Jhand A, Greenwald MK (under review) Opioid vs. money choice preference patterns in regular heroin users. Wayne State University Graduate Research symposium.

Kouri N, Ledgerwood DM, Najavits LM (submitted) Posttraumatic stress symptoms  and gambling disorder severity: a Bayesian model averaging approach. International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Los Angeles, CA.

Laffont CM, Saini A, Komalapriya C, Rengaswamy M, Noack A, Wojciechowksi J,, Pendsey N, Purohit P, Horton T, Greenwald MK (2024 Nov) Integrated quantitative systems pharmacology and pharmacometric evaluation of effective buprenorphine induction strategies in the era of synthetic opioids. American Conference on Pharmacometrics.

Ledgerwood DM, Bedi DK, Bedi MK, Lundahl LH (2024) Reasons for electronic cigarette use among young- and older-adult men and women. Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco annual meeting, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK.

Ledgerwood DM, Stott M, Quesada S, Sontag M, Beck R, McDonell MG, Johnson D, DePhilippis D, Donnelly S, Hartzler B, Nauts T, Novak MD, Peck JA, Rash CJ (2024) Expert advisory panel recommendations for implementing contingency management into rural recovery housing. College on Problems of Drug Dependence, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

Lundahl LH, Greenwald MK, Thomas H, Sadik N (2024 July) Cannabidiol may potentiate some analgesic effects of morphine. International Cannabinoid Research Society, Salamanca, Spain.

Lundahl LH, Ledgerwood DM (2024 March) Relationship between sex and current daily smoking status on motivations to use electronic cigarettes. Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK.

Luo E, Woodcock EA (2024) Test-retest reliability of 5-trial monetary delay discounting among opioid use disorder patients. 10th annual Biomedical Career Advancement Pipeline program meeting. Detroit, MI.

Marusak HA, Zundel CG, Carpenter C, Ely S, Gowatch L, Shampine M, Bhogal A, O’Mara EL, Jande J, Bhargava S, Chanomolu S, LaCasse M, Lundahl L (2024 June) Unmasking fear: cannabis reduces extinction learning and neural activation in adolescents. The College on Problems of Drug Dependence. Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

Morrison M, Jackson L, Cunningham PB, Randall J, Halliday C, Ledgerwood DM, Ryan-Pettes SR (2024 Aug) Exploring the collateral benefits of contingency management. American Psychological Association, Washington DC.

Moses TEH, Ali M, Waineo E, Greenwald MK (2024) When is the best time to incorporate harm reduction into medical education? Are the gains of early trainings maintained? WSU Medical Education Research and Innovation (MERI) conference.

Moses TEH, Greenwald MK (2024 June) Depression scores modulate the relationship between stress-reactivity and opioid demand. College on Problems of Drug Dependence annual meeting, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

Moses TEH, Waineo E, Greenwald MK (2024) Do medical students identify opportunities to connect patients with opioid use disorders to harm reduction and treatment resources? Exploring student actions and their teams’ reactions. American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry.

Moses TEH, Waineo E, Greenwald MK (2024) Do medical students identify opportunities to connect patients with opioid use disorders to harm reduction and treatment resources? Exploring student actions and their teams’ reactions.  American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry.

Nahmoud I, Gishto R, Wu M, Lloyd S, Woodcock EA, Rashid F, Shailendra G, Conti AC (2024) Altered kynurenine expression in the cortex following traumatic brain injury in mice. Society for Neuroscience. Chicago, IL.

Nwamba A†, Woodcock EA (2024) Exploring working memory proficiency among patients with opioid use disorder: the potential influence of immune signaling. 10th annual Biomedical Career Advancement Pipeline program meeting. Detroit, MI.

O’Mara E-C, Tamimi R, Diwadkar VA, Lundahl LH, Khatib D, Marusak H, Greenwald MK, Woodcock EA (2024) Cues augment working memory proficiency in smokers: preliminary evidence that attentional bias enhances executive function. Society for Biological Psychiatry, Austin, TX.

Roy P, Guo Y, Muzik O, Woodcock EA, Huailei J (2024 Sept) Fully automated radiosynthesis of [18F]FCPPC for neuroinflammation PET imaging. Annual World Molecular Imaging Congress, Montreal, QC.

Ryan DE, Edelman EJ, Bernstein SL, Weiss J, Yager J, Sigel K, Ledgerwood DM, Murphy SM (2024 June) Implementing a clinical pharmacist-delivered tobacco use disorder treatment involving medications and contingency management for HIV clinics: a microcosting analysis. College on Problems of Drug Dependence annual meeting, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

Sogbesan A, Greenwald MK, Woodcock EA (2024) Emergency department utilization moderates the relationship between heroin use-related consequences and opioid treatment seeking. Society for Biological Psychiatry, Austin, TX.

Tamimi RN, Zundel C, Ely S, Shampine M, O’Mara EC, Gowatch L, Bhogal A, Carpenter C, Woodcock EA, Marusak H (2024) Artifact mitigation in pediatric fMRI: enhancing data quality through multi-echo data acquisition and preprocessing. Society for Biological Psychiatry, Austin, TX.

Thomas H, Ledgerwood DM, Lundahl LH (2024 June) Gender and telescoping effects on mental health outcomes and cannabis use profiles. College on Problems of Drug Dependence annual meeting, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

Woodcock EA, Greenwald MK, Petriello MC, Lundahl LH, King AM, Muzik O (2024 March) In vivo imaging evidence of neuroinflammation in opioid use disorder. Molecular Psychiatry Association, Kailua-Kona, HI.

Woodcock EA, Greenwald MK, Petriello MK, Lundahl LH, King AM, Muzik O (2024 June) In vivo imaging evidence of a neuroinflammatory phenotype among patients with opioid use disorder. College on Problems of Drug Dependence. Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

Woodcock EA, Greenwald MK, Lundahl LH, Burghardt PR, Petriello MC, Jiang H, King AM, Muzik O (2024 Dec) Kynurenine pathway and immune dysregulation among patients with opioid use disorder: a PET [11C]AMT study. American College of Neuropsychopharmacology.


Bonomi R, Hillmer AT, Woodcock EA, Angarita GA, Davis MT, Bhatt S, Pietrzak R, Cosgrove KP (Dec 2023) Suppressed neuroimmune function in PTSD: evidence from PET imaging. American College of Neuropsychopharmacology; Tampa, FL.

Greenwald MK, Roehrs TA (2023) Severity of anhedonia and insomnia differentially predict opioid demand intensity and essential value among patients in treatment for opioid use disorder. 4th annual HEAL Initiative investigators meeting. Bethesda, MD.

Hansson J, Thomas H, Bauer S, Lundahl LH, Ledgerwood DM (2023) Tobacco use and sleep problems in the Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health (PATH) study. College on Problems of Drug Dependence, Denver, CO.

Jackson L, Morrison M, Cunningham PB, Randall J, Halliday-Boykins C, Ledgerwood DM, Ryan-Pettes SR (2023) Caregiver recommendations for contingency management in juvenile probation. College on Problems of Drug Dependence, Denver, CO.

Kouri N, Ledgerwood DM, Najavits LM (2023) Posttraumatic stress symptoms  and gambling disorder severity: a Bayesian model averaging approach. International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Los Angeles, CA.

Kouri N, Moses TEH, Lundahl LH, Greenwald MK (2023) The interaction between anhedonia and impulsivity in opioid use disorder. College on Problems of Drug Dependence, Denver, CO.

Ledgerwood DM, Bedi DK, Bedi MK, Cannoy C, Prakash K, Foulon A, Excel S, Lundahl LH (2023) Development and validation of a reasons for electronic cigarette use questionnaire. College on Problems of Drug Dependence, Denver, CO.

Lundahl LH, Greenwald MK (2023) Effects of cannabidiol and morphine on antinociception across multiple modalities. College on Problems of Drug Dependence, Denver, CO.

Mascarin A, Burmeister M, Greenwald MK (2023) Recent cocaine-use pattern and problem severity differs by corticotropin-releasing hormone receptor 1 (CRHR1) genotype. Society for Neuroscience.

Moses TEH, Greenwald MK (2023) Females exhibit greater sensitivity to noradrenergic stress-induced opioid seeking behavior than males. College on Problems of Drug Dependence, Denver, CO.

Sogbesan A, Lenz D, Lister JJ, Lundahl LH, Greenwald MK, Woodcock EA (2023) Mediational pathways among substance use duration, consequences, and quit attempts. Michigan Society for Neuroscience; East Lansing, MI.

Tamimi RN, Zundel C, Ely S, Evanski J, Gowatch L, Bhogal A, Carpenter C, Woodcock EA, Marusak H (2023 June) Minimizing artifact with multi-echo fMRI data acquisition and preprocessing: an example in a study of children and adolescents. Michigan Society for Neuroscience; East Lansing, MI.

Woodcock EA, Angarita GA, Matuskey D, Ropchan J, Nabulsi N, Huang H, Carson RE, Cosgrove KP (2023) Preliminary evidence for an elevated neuroinflammatory signal in opioid use disorder: findings from a PET TSPO imaging study. Society of Biological Psychiatry conference.

Woodcock EA, Arshad M, Moses TEH, Diwadkar VA, Greenwald MK (2023) Acute stress modulates hippocampal memory and opioid craving in opioid use disorder: a pharmacological dissociation study of noradrenergic vs. cortisol effects. Society of Biological Psychiatry conference.

Woodcock EA, Greenwald MK, Lundahl LH, Diwadkar VA (2023) Smoking cues and acute stress modulate working memory among smokers: a pharmaco-imaging study. Organization for Human Brain Mapping.


Barrientos K, Hawes K, Moses TEH, Waineo E, Greenwald MK (under review) Harm reduction: an educational resource for the Detroit community. Society of General Internal Medicine annual meeting.

Cannoy CN, Greenwald MK, Lundahl LH (June 2022) Marijuana craving as a predictor of subjective marijuana effects. College on Problems of Drug Dependence annual meeting.

Ching K, Moses TEH, Moreno J, Waineo E, Greenwald MK (accepted) What experiences impact first-year medical students’ views on naloxone access? American College of Physicians (ACP) Michigan Chapter Medical Students Chapter Meeting.

Faraj MM, Lipanski NM, Goldberg E, Marusak HA, Greenwald MK (under review) Martial arts-based intervention modulates the pain neuromatrix in patients with opioid use disorder. American Medical Association conference.

Greenwald MK, Moses TEH, Lee J, Lundahl LH, Roehrs TA (April 2022) Exploring relationships between pain, insomnia/sleepiness, executive function and mood regulation in patients with opioid use disorder. Third Annual Meeting of the NIH HEAL Initiative Investigators.

Lundahl LH, Greenwald MK (June 2022) The effects of stress and cues on craving for cannabis. College on Problems of Drug Dependence annual meeting.

Moses TEH, Chammaa M, Waineo, Greenwald MK (June 2022) Is naloxone distribution risky? attitudes about naloxone distribution at the start of medical school and two years later. College on Problems of Drug Dependence annual meeting.

Moses TEH, Harrison T, Waineo E, Greenwald MK (2022) Medical student experiences and perceptions of substance use among healthcare workers. AMERSA meeting.

Parashar V, Sibai M, Koshorek G, Smith J, Greenwald MK, Roehrs TA (June 2022) Sleep architecture of OUD patients: a comparison of WatchPat 300 and NPSG. College on Problems of Drug Dependence annual meeting.

Shaheen R, Moses TEH, Waineo E, Greenwald MK (2022) Experiences and characteristics that influence medical students’ desire to work with patients with substance use disorder. AMERSA meeting.

Sibai M, Parashar V, Koshorek G, Smith J, Greenwald MK, Roehrs TA (June 2022) Opioid and alcohol inpatient treatment admissions during the COVID-19 pandemic. College on Problems of Drug Dependence annual meeting.

Woodcock EA, Diwadkar VA, Khatib D, Greenwald MK, Stanley JA (April 2022) Smokers exhibit less glutamate modulation in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex during working memory than non-smokers: an 1H fMRS study. 77th annual meeting of the Society of Biological Psychiatry; New Orleans, LA.


Akcasu N, Baal P, Outlaw AY, Cohn JA, Lundahl LH, Greenwald MK (2021) Marijuana and complementary/alternative self-treatment approaches for symptom management among African American persons living with HIV. Wayne State School of Medicine Orthopedic Surgery Interest Group Clinical Research Showcase. 

Barrientos K, Hawes K, Elmer W, Moses TEH, Waineo E, Greenwald MK (2021) Harm reduction: an educational resource for the Detroit community. WSU Medical Education Conference.

Chammaa M, Moses TEH, Moreno JL, Waineo E, Greenwald MK (2021) Do medical students know enough about naloxone access and Good Samaritan laws? Exploring the need for additional training in harm reduction. WSU Medical Education Conference.

Chammaa M, Moses TEH, Moreno JL, Waineo E, Greenwald MK (2021) Do medical students know enough about naloxone access and Good Samaritan laws? Exploring the need for additional training in harm reduction. American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry (AAAP) conference.

Ching K, Moses TEH, Moreno J, Waineo E, Greenwald MK (2021) The impact of prior experience with opioid use disorder on first-year medical students’ views on naloxone access. WSU Medical Education Conference.

Culver L, Moses TEH, Baal P, Gloystein T, Syed S, Waineo E, Greenwald MK (2021) The impact of prior healthcare employment on first-year medical students’ knowledge and attitudes toward opioid use disorder. International Association of Medical Science Educators (IAMSE) conference. 

Doubrovski O, Nguyen C, Greenwald MK (2021) Relationship of Addiction Severity Index (ASI) to drug use among regular heroin users. WSUSOM Medical Student Research Virtual Symposium.

Faraj MM, Lipanski NM, Goldberg E, Marusak HA, Greenwald MK (2021) Martial arts-based intervention modulates the pain neuromatrix in patients with opioid use disorder. AAMC conference.

Gockman K, Margabandu P, Moses TEH, Waineo E, Greenwald MK (2021) Medical student attitudes towards patients with substance use disorders and harm reduction. WSU Medical Education Conference.

Lundahl LH, Greenwald MK (2021) Placebo-controlled experimental test of N-acetylcysteine effects on cannabis cue-induced craving and seeking in adult cannabis users. College on Problems of Drug Dependence.

Moses TEH, Chammaa M, Moreno J, Ramos R, Waineo E, Greenwald MK (2021) Unique impacts of opioid overdose prevention and response training on medical student knowledge and attitudes. AAMC conference.

Moses TEH, Lundahl LH, Greenwald MK (2021) PTSD diagnosis in patients with opioid use disorder: relationships to affective dysregulation, pain, and opioid misuse. College on Problems of Drug Dependence.

Moses TEH, Moreno J, Greenwald MK, Waineo E (2021) Evaluating the efficacy of in-person versus online training in opioid overdose prevention and response training. AAMC conference.

Moses TEH, Shaheen R, Lundahl LH, Waineo E, Greenwald MK (2021) What incoming medical students think about medical marijuana: a survey of attitudes and knowledge. AMERSA (Association for Multidisciplinary Education and Research in Substance Use and Addiction) meeting.

Moses TEH, Waineo E, Greenwald MK, Levine D (2021) Adapting buprenorphine waiver training for undergraduate medical education: medical student responses and attitudes. AMERSA (Association for Multidisciplinary Education and Research in Substance Use and Addiction) meeting.

Syed S, Moses TEH, Culver L, El-Sayed W, Waineo E, Greenwald MK (2021) The role of race/ethnicity on knowledge of and attitudes towards opioid overdose and harm reduction. AAMC Conference.

Syed S, Shkokani L, Lundahl LH, Roxas RS, Levy P, Greenwald MK (2021) Effects of cocaine and/or heroin use history on resting cardiovascular function. Wayne State School of Medicine Orthopedic Surgery Interest Group Clinical Research Showcase.

Wiest K, Greenwald MK, Learned S, Le Moigne A, Zhao Y (2021) Examining the benefit of RBP-6000 300 mg vs 100 mg maintenance dose in opioid injectors. College on Problems of Drug Dependence.

Wiest K, Greenwald MK, Learned S, Le Moigne A, Zhao Y (2021) Examining the benefit of RBP-6000 300 mg vs 100 mg maintenance dose in opioid injectors. International Society of Addiction Medicine (ISAM) conference.


Barrientos K, Moses TEH, Gloystein T, Waineo E, Greenwald MK (2020) The impact of personal experience with substance use disorders on first-year medical students’ knowledge and attitudes toward opioid use disorders. WSU Medical Education Research and Innovation Conference.

Chen I, Moses TEH, Cuison K, Waineo E, Greenwald MK (2020) Previous healthcare experience improves attitudes toward opioid overdose among first-year medical students. WSUSOM Medical Education Research Conference.

Chou JC, Moses TEH, Moreno J, Garmo M, Loveluck K, Ching K, Greenwald MK, Waineo E (2020) Baseline differences in student attitude towards opioid overdose and individuals with substance use disorder contribute to opioid overdose prevention and response training outcomes. AAMC Regional Conference. Rapid City, South Dakota.

Culver L, Moses TEH, Baal P, Gloystein T, Syed S, Waineo E, Greenwald MK (2020) The impact of prior healthcare employment on first-year medical students’ knowledge and attitudes toward opioid use disorder. WSU Medical Education Research and Innovation Conference.

Dass SE, Moses TEH, Gockman K, Chitale A, Waineo E, Greenwald MK (2020) The impact of medical student specialty preference on opioid overdose knowledge and attitudes towards patients with opioid use disorder. WSU Medical Education Research and Innovation Conference. {oral presentation}

Dass SE, Moses TEH, Greenwald MK, Waineo E (2020) Exploring differences in attitudes toward the efficacy of the substance use disorder curriculum at the undergraduate medical level: what role does gender play? WSU Women in Medicine (WIM) Summit conference. 

Faraj MM, Lipanski NM, Goldberg E, Marusak HA, Greenwald MK (2020) Reducing opioid craving, pain and stress in patients with opioid use disorder using martial arts-based virtual reality. Society of General Internal Medicine, Michigan Chapter, American College of Physicians conference.

Faraj MM, Lipanski NM, Goldberg E, Marusak HA, Greenwald MK (2020) A virtual reality martial arts-based intervention reduces pain, drug craving, and stress in patients with opioid use disorder. Medical Student Research Symposium, Wayne State University School of Medicine.

Fodor MC, Lundahl LH, Ledgerwood DM, Struble CA, Greenwald MK (2020) Sexual minority status and concurrent alcohol and cannabis use among male patients living with HIV/AIDS. Research Society on Alcoholism. {virtual presentation.}

Gockman K, Moses TEH, Chitale A, Waineo E, Greenwald MK (2020) The impact of medical student personal experiences with opioid overdose on knowledge and attitudes towards patients with substance use disorders. WSU Medical Education Research and Innovation Conference.

Greenwald MK (2020) Effects of buprenorphine/naloxone maintenance dose on stress-reactivity in opioid use disorder. College on Problems of Drug Dependence. {virtual presentation.}

Greenwald MK, Roehrs RA, et al. (2020) Dual orexin antagonism as a mechanism for improving sleep and drug abstinence in opioid use disorder. NIH HEAL Initiative national meeting, Bethesda, MD.

Kamgar M, Assad H, Hastert TA, McLaughlin E, Reding K, Paskett E, Bea JW, Shadyab AH, Neuhouser ML, Nassir R, Crane T, Sreeram K, Greenwald MK, Simon MS (2020) Peripheral neuropathy after breast cancer: an analysis of data from the Women’s Health Initiative Life and Longevity After Cancer (WHI-LILAC) cohort. American Society of Clinical Oncology.

Klomparens K, Moses TEH, Ching K, Baal P, Waineo E, Greenwald MK (2020) Positive regard towards patients with substance use disorders: Associations with confidence in opioid overdose response and attitudes towards naloxone distribution. WSU Medical Education Research and Innovation Conference. {oral presentation}

Lister JJ, Ellis J, Ledgerwood DM, Greenwald MK (2020) Psychosocial protective factors and methadone treatment outcomes: baseline predictors of first-month drug abstinence. Society for Social Work and Research conference.

Moses TEH, Moreno J, Ramos R, Waineo E, Greenwald MK (2020) Evaluating the unique impact of opioid overdose prevention and response training on medical student knowledge and attitudes toward opioid overdose. WSU Medical Education Research and Innovation Conference. {oral presentation; won 1st place}

Moses TEH, Moreno JL, Ramos R, Chammaa M, Waineo E, Greenwald MK (2020) Opioid overdose prevention and response training improves knowledge and attitudes toward opioid overdose and naloxone use in first year medical students. College on Problems of Drug Dependence. {virtual presentation.}

Moses TEH, Moreno J, Ramos R, Waineo E, Greenwald MK (2020) Evaluating the unique impact of opioid overdose prevention and response training on medical student knowledge and attitudes toward opioid overdose. WSU College of Pharmacy Research Day.

Plantegenest G, Poland C, Strutz K, Bennett L, Greenwald MK, Heeringa C, Bunker H (2020) Building an innovative curricular intervention for addiction medicine certification. AAMC Central Group on Educational Affairs (CGEA) regional meeting. {cancelled due to COVID-19}

Syed S, Moses TEH, Culver L, El-Sayed W, Waineo E, Greenwald MK (2020) The role of race/ethnicity on knowledge of and attitudes towards opioid overdose and harm reduction. WSU Medical Education Research and Innovation Conference.

Tiura AJ, Anderson LA, Ondersma SJ, Nahum-Shani I, Greenwald MK, Naar S (2020) Developing an MHealth intervention to reduce heavy drinking and loss-of-control eating among college student women dating/sexual violence survivors. Research Society on Alcoholism. {virtual presentation.}


Andorn A, Haight B, Greenwald MK, Zhao Y, Fox NL, Heidbreder C, Learned S (2019) Higher abstinence rates with greater buprenorphine exposure among patients who inject opioids. Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy (AMCP) Specialty Meeting.

Arfken CL, Greenwald MK (2019) National treatment admissions with opioids and benzodiazepines as drugs of abuse. College on Problems of Drug Dependence, San Antonio, TX.

Arfken CL, Owens D, Greenwald MK (2019) Opioids and benzodiazepines: national and local analysis. Addiction Health Services Research.

Chou JC, Moses TEH, Moreno J, Garmo M, Loveluck K, Ching K, Greenwald MK, Waineo E (2019) Learning outcomes of opioid overdose prevention and response training in undergraduate medical students. WSUSOM Medical Education Research and Innovation Conference.

Karavidha K, Perrine SP, Burmeister M, Greenwald MK (2019) Beta-arrestin single nucleotide polymorphism associated with long term consequences of opioid use. College on Problems of Drug Dependence, San Antonio, TX.

Lien I, Moses TEH, Chou J, Shango K, Dass S, Szpytman A, Greenwald MK (2019) Student led initiatives to incorporate addiction medicine training into undergraduate medical education in Detroit, MI. College on Problems of Drug Dependence, San Antonio, TX.

Lister JJ, Ellis JD, Greenwald MK, Ledgerwood DM (2019) The relationship of psychosocial characteristics to co-occurring emotional problems among methadone patients. College on Problems of Drug Dependence, San Antonio, TX.

Moses TEH, Chou J, Moreno J, Greenwald MK, Waineo E (2019) Investigating the long-term educational and community-level impacts of incorporating opioid overdose prevention and response training in undergraduate medical education. American Association of Medical Colleges (AAMC). National Harbor, MD.

Moses TEH, Greenwald MK (2019) Attenuated response to hydromorphone during buprenorphine stabilization associated with injection opioid use and quicker opioid lapse during buprenorphine dose tapering. College on Problems of Drug Dependence, San Antonio, TX.

Moses TEH, Moreno J, Ramos R, Garmo M, Greenwald MK, Waineo E (2019) Efficacy of opioid overdose prevention and response training on medical student knowledge and attitudes. AMERSA (Association for Multidisciplinary Education and Research in Substance Use and Addiction) 43rd Annual Meeting.

Moses TEH, Ramos R, Garmo M, Waineo E, Greenwald MK (2019) Knowledge and attitude changes toward opioid use disorder and naloxone use among medical students. American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry 30th Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA.

Moses TEH, Woodcock EA, Diwadkar VA, Greenwald MK (2019) The role of baseline anxiety in associative learning and response to acute stress. Society for Neuroscience.

Tiura AJ, Greenwald MK, Anderson LA, Naar S (2019) Non-alcohol predictors of alcohol demand among college student women. Research Society on Alcoholism meeting.


Gothe NP, Greenwald MK, Naar S (2018) Effects of acute aerobic exercise on inhibitory control among obese adolescents. International Congress on Behavioral Medicine.

Knighton J-S, Greenwald MK (2018) Differences associated with injection drug use (IDU) vs. non-IDU among Black heroin users in an urban setting. Problems of Drug Dependence 2018: Proceedings of the 80th Annual Scientific Meeting, The College on Problems of Drug Dependence, Inc.

Lundahl LH, Greenwald MK (2018) Effects of smoked cannabidiol on cardiovascular, subjective and reinforcing effects of smoked THC. Problems of Drug Dependence 2018: Proceedings of the 80th Annual Scientific Meeting, The College on Problems of Drug Dependence, Inc.

Woodcock EA, Diwadkar VA, Stanley JA, Khatib D, Greenwald MK (2018) Acute stress modulates cigarette cue-evoked neural activation:  a neuropharmacological investigation among non-treatment-seeking cigarette smokers. Poster to be presented at: 26th annual International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting; Paris, France.



Rabinak CA, Peters C, Elrahal F, Milad M, Rauch S, Phan KL, Greenwald MK (2017) Cannabinoid facilitation of fear extinction in posttraumatic stress disorder. American College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ACNP) annual meeting.

Moses TE, Greenwald MK (2017) Perils in personalized medicine: concerns from addiction genetics. International Neuroethics Society Annual Meeting. Washington, DC.

Lister JJ, Brown S, Greenwald MK, Ledgerwood DM (2017) A precise investigation of African-American women in methadone treatment: gender differences and predictors of early-treatment drug use. Society for Social Work and Research 22nd Annual Conference - Achieving Equal Opportunity, Equity, and Justice. Washington, DC.

Carr MM, Ellis JD, Ledgerwood DM (2017) Clinical and psychosocial factors associated with gambling-related suicidality. Proceedings of the 31st Annual Conference, National Council on Problem Gambling, Portland, OR.

Moses TE, Lister JJ, Greenwald MK (2017) Examining race differences in injection heroin use to guide future development of targeted harm reduction services. City University of New York Health Equity conference.

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Ledgerwood DM, Lundahl LH, Greenwald MK, Arfken CL, Tancer ME, Cohn J (2017) Depression among people living with HIV/AIDS receiving smoking cessation treatment. Problems of Drug Dependence 2017: Proceedings of the 79th Annual Scientific Meeting, The College on Problems of Drug Dependence, Inc.

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Moses TE, Woodcock EA, Lister JJ, Lundahl LH, Greenwald MK (2017) Developing domains of negative consequences of regular heroin use. Problems of Drug Dependence 2017: Proceedings of the 79th Annual Scientific Meeting, The College on Problems of Drug Dependence, Inc.